Coastal Skipper Practical

Advanced skippering techniques for yachtsmen and women with considerable knowledge of sailing and navigation, wanting to undertake coastal passages by day and night.
Like the Day Skipper course, this can be taken under Sail or Power. The 5 day course consists of skippered passages in a variety of situations. Each trainee will skipper more challenging passages and learn more about passage planning, pilotage by day and night, boat handling, safety and emergency situations.
From 1250€

Pre-Course Requirements
The RYA Coastal Skipper practical course requires that you complete the RYA Coastal / Yachtmaster Theory shore-based course to ensure you have the navigational skills required for the practical.
You must have completed
15 days ( 2 of which, being the Skipper) of Sailing
300 Nautical Miles
Minimum of 8 Night Hours on board a Sailing Yacht.
Our advice is to pick up the RYA Yachtmaster Handbook and have a stress free read through so you are familiar with some of the vocabulary used on yachts.
*All sailing courses require a certain amount of physical activity. If you are unsure as to your ability to take part in a course please contact us to discuss.
Course Syllabus
The RYA Coastal Skipper Course is a 5-day course that starts at 0930 and finishes at variable times depending on the day.
The Course Syllabus includes:
Preparation for sea
Passage Planning
Passage making & ability as skipper
Emergency Situations
Adverse weather conditions
Yacht handling under power
Yacht handling under sail
Passage making
Night cruising​a​
Start and Finish Location: Estepona

What's Included
Basic Food Provisions
Life Jackets
Fuel and Marina Costs
What to Bring
Sailors are exposed to the elements and must always be prepared for 4 seasons. Due to limited storage on board, we always recommend you bring lightweight clothing to suit all possible weather scenarios. Key things to bring include;
Sun Protection
Sun Glasses
Boat Friendly Shoes
Shorts & T-shirts
Light Trousers
Bathing Equipment
Lightweight Jumper or Jacket
Personal Care Equipment (Shampoo, Deodorant, prescription Medicines)
Anti Sea Sickness Tablets - especially if not an experienced sailor.

Post Course
The RYA Coastal Skipper is the highest level of course in the RYA scheme. After being awarded your Coastal Skipper Certificate, with a lot more sailing miles under your belt you will be ready to take on the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore exam!